↪ On SummaryMaster51v, I had originally added a lot more gadgets using the Contempo theme. As a result, the fold (visible content before you scrolling) was filled with the Pages Tabs, and just a few lines of the Recent Post Title were visible on a smartphone.
So, for this blog, I will be trying to keep the things simpler. And from onwards, that blog has a Simple Theme too. It makes multiple posts and their previews visible directly at the fold.
Now, I have a site where all my important links are provided, with a clean interface, at bit.ly/site51v.
We all are prone to over-detailing. At least, I have made my one blog too long. Just because there are a lot of formatting and design options, let's not overdo it. So, I will try to keep the second blog simpler. https://t.co/Psd0JgYEJx might be a great start, towards essentialism
— Akshay KP (@akp51v) September 26, 2020
That's some excessive decluttering, but it feels nice. Sometimes, a few lines at the centre of the large negative space are more calming, than an abundance of the over-information and the hyper-detailing. I guess, similar to how the minimalist flat images load faster (for the same degree of compression), less is truly more, at the times.
Build, don't talk.
— Akshay KP (@akp51v) September 4, 2020
Less is more.
God is in the details.
~ Ludwig Mies Van der Rohe.
All buildings should have three attributes: firmitas, utilitas, and venustas, meaning: strength, utility, and beauty.
~ Vitruvius
As for this belated enlightenment about the necessity of keeping it simple, stupid-me; this is even more embarrassing when I recall the long post about Meaningless Work and Meaningful Art from that other blog. Actually, if I think about it now, don't the Long Posts and a blog titled as SummaryMaster51v seem quite contradictory and contrasting?
So, the joke is on me, after all.