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Showing posts from 2021

Every Website Teaches You Something New

> Your browsing experience invloves your visits to many websites. Some of them are full of a bright light colour scheme. And other sites embrace a more sophisticated or formal appearance. But every one of these websites feature a unique experience. As you can guess, even a small tweak of font size can affect your comfort of reading.

Overthinking is Double-edged Sword, without Handle

↪ Detective's soul is within each of us. And thus, you cannot rest easy with an empty mind. I couldn't do it either. Thinking and questioning the possibilities is good till a safe limit. When you cross it, you suffer. We live in the age of over-information. Your device is full of Notifications. And the 'trending topics' never keep quiet. So, you can feel a Fear of Missing Out (FoMO). If you are young, the web won't let you rejoice the moment. In fact, I can tell you about certain 'friends' who exist for Selfies. And the hashtags. Of course, electronic devices have become our oxygen. So, nobody is innocent. One way or another, you'll need to rely on the internet, the media and the over-information. I'm no exception to this rule. Thus, I am nobody to blame you. You know. worrying about third-party judgements is pointless anyway. But our human body pays the price. Whenever you sacrifice your sleep or lifestyle, to allow the Notification to disrupt your ...

Freelancing is a Global Leap of Faith

↪ World Economy suffers when a few ideas gain too much traction. And as each country faces the unemployment dynamics, the freelancers grow. So, these rebranded Self-Employees increase each year. Thus, the world looks at the gig economy for enhancing the productivity. But every idea has multiple bittersweet sides. The culture of the 'freelancers' isn't any different. Race to the bottom Competitive environment helps you grow. Both as a professional, and as a human being. The line between Healthy Competition and the Cut-throat Rat Race, is blur. It's thin and almost invisible, like the light grey fonts on 'modern' websites. Even you want to read it, you can't succeed in this action. You know how the entire world is pursuing a Freelance or Self-employment route. As such, more people are available to work on a single project. And the Low Pricing Wars don't help either party. Still, the clients ar...

Writing Less but More Effectively

↪ In theory, high info density helps you tell more. More about your services. Your Products. And the other similar aspects. However, each move has a second side. You will encounter some key disadvantages as you write or tell more. Passion is awesome. And nothing is wrong with it. But, the life is a rat race, And many have to keep running, to ensure the paychecks arrive without the delays. "All gotta pay the bills, ya know, pal." Yes, this sentence was culturally insensitive. So, why should you write less? For starters, you can do a quick-skimming of one of my other blogs: SummaryMaster51v Dark Edition Most posts written there, carry a poetic vibe. And you can note the sheer length of each statement. As the density of ideas increase, the user takes longer to read it. Unless you are comfortable reading eBooks, you would find the text confusing. And this does not make anyone less intelligent. See, for those of us who grew up in 'hyper-academic' environment, it's a mu...

Creating Content Regularly is Tough

↪ The internet is full of webpages and videos. You have no reason to worry about what to do next. Many sites use Infinities Scroll these days. So, you get new content continuously. It's similar to the Auto-play Next Video option you find on some streaming platforms. Most news websites can afford to run a Paid Membership programme. Because an entire team is working on creating new content. As for a tiny blog, you can lose the track of time. Also, you do your own marketing and sales. Thus, managing time is crucial. But you might encounter a time period, when you have no time left for writing. No ideas arise in your mind, and thus, the writer is a non-writing person. Consistent routine is one of the suggested solutions to avoid such a fate. But over-ritualisation could hurt your spontaneous ideas. So, there is no perfect balm for your headaches. Another possibility is keeping a tiny notebook. If an idea is interesting, you can always note it. Note that, you can 'pin' or 't...

My Bad – I began writing as if it was all about money

↪ I forgot why I began writing such online content. Not in a literal sense, but I was distracted by my own thoughts. That much is true indeed. But thanks to some great fiction stories, I remember now. Yes, I started because this was fun. And it was a type of personal philosophical journey. The act of writing forces you to think about a topic with care. And with patience. Thus, you face the challenges. So, overcoming these hurdles, makes you a better person. At least, that was the original idea. Writing Services [Learn More] What we begin as a hobby, might have the potential to become an additional income source. Content writing, affiliate marketing and social media promotions are related with each other. However, once you start 'monetising' your online assets, you look at every content creation opportunity as a Monetisation Aid. So, the purity of your hobby gets diluted, by your own hands. Thanks to some brilliant stories, I have recalled the reasons behind my i...

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